Mobilis Transport Planning Consultants 2023
Poole Town Centre Base Model
The Poole town centre model was built to test highway improvements in the vicinity of the town centre. The flexibility of a Paramics microsimulation model enabled this model to be extended in order to assess the impact of a school expansion and development programme being considered by the Borough of Poole Schools and Education Department. The model extension included around 18 additional zones. The model extension included approximately 270 new nodes and 590 new links. One additional signalised junction and two additional signalised pedestrian crossings were modelled. The use of the model on this project demonstrated how an audience who were unfamiliar with traffic modelling could comprehend the basic concepts of modelling and also easily understand the results, allowing them to make more fully informed decisions. Traditionally school expansion and development programme decisions would have been taken purely from a Schools and Education Department viewpoint. Paramics allowed a more holistic view of the land use/transport connection, as the transport modelling element was no longer a ‘black box’ exercise.
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Poole Town Centre School Expansion
Poole Town Centre Base Model, inc. Extension