Mobilis Transport Planning Consultants 2023
The A432 model was built to support a planning application appeal for a restaurant/drive-thru development on the site of a disused warehouse in a busy urban area. The primary purpose of the model was to assess the impact of any additional traffic on journey times along the A432 and on queue lengths on the approaches to the A432/B4048 signal junction. Models of this size demonstrate the ‘scaleability’ and flexibility of Paramics. Traditionally this development would have been assessed using separate models for the site access, side roads and signal junction. These junction models would have been built using different software packages and hence would have taken no account of the queue interaction. Paramics allows all junction types to be modelled and very clearly demonstrates any interaction. The A432 models and analysis formed an important element of a Public Enquiry, which resulted in planning permission being granted. Extract from the Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision; “The S-Paramics model shows that the proposal would not result in a significant increase in delays to vehicles using Fishponds Road”.
A432 Development Model
A432 Bristol Restaurant/Drive-Thru Development
A432 Development Model, 3D Views at Development Access Junction