Mobilis Transport Planning Consultants 2023
A3 Guildford Local Network Improvements
The model was built to test on-line capacity improvement options for the A3 through the Guildford area. The model included around 128 zones covering the urban area of Guildford and the surrounding hinterland. The model comprised approximately 2600 nodes and 5600 links. Around 35 signalised junctions were modelled which included bus priority lanes and signal stages. Following the successful testing of various strategic network improvements in the A3 corridor the model was also used by Surrey County Council to test unrelated local network changes, demonstrating the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of a microsimulation model. The model was used to test bus priority measures at the A3/A320 Stoke intersection and temporary traffic management options relating to maintenance works at the A3/A25 Wooden Bridge intersection. Flow Change Comparisons, A3/A25 Wooden Bridge Intersection Temporary Works
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Junction Detail, A3/A320 Stoke Intersection Bus Priority Modelling